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You’re here because you value privacy. You should feel safe and relaxed in your own home. However, in recent months the peep-hole – a device that was originally created for safety and privacy – has been the new medium for stalkers and strangers to spy on people during their most intimate moments. peeperSTOPPER is the first of its kind and was created to provide complete privacy for you and your family. The peeperSTOPPER blocks the ability of peepers to remove or reverse the peep-hole while still allowing you a view from the inside out. peeperSTOPPER cannot be removed and will prevent anyone from gaining access outside of the room.

peeperSTOPPER was created with care by individuals in the hospitality industry who travel frequently and understand the importance of privacy, but also the cost and convenience of installation. The peeperSTOPPER takes less than three minutes to install and is available in six standard colors. Custom colors or designs are available upon request to meet your needs. The peeperSTOPPER can also be painted by you to match any custom color scheme. The device does not have metal or plastic hanging tags and will protect you even if the viewer is removed from the outside. The cost of furnishing your home, apartment or dorm with this innovative device is minimal.

Don’t be a victim! Contact us today to protect you and your loved ones with peeperSTOPPER.

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